17 January 2014

this week.

we worked on week 28 of pregnancy. (3rd trimester!)
 we had a really relaxing late lunch with my sisters after taking elsie to the doctor & me to the chiropractor.
used my first washi tape on christmas thank you notes! (is there a rule on when those need to be sent out? do you still send thank you notes? i HAVE to. it just doesn't feel right. so late or not, in the mail they will be!)
 shared my apple cider vinegar secret with B. this is the only way i can drink it! and he actually likes it too!
still trying to get completely well.  he had, just a few minutes earlier, told me how he wasn't tired & was just going to skip his nap.
 ...2 hours later.
the verse on my windowsill this week. it was a very fitting verse, just what i needed to read. and isn't that just like our Lord? always giving us exactly what we need. exactly when we need it. 

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