25 September 2012

haley's shower.

on saturday i had the opportunity to co-host a shower for a sweet friend who is in our small group from church.
she is also MY sisters, sister-in-law.
so we are kind of related, right?
the shower went great! it is hard to judge the amount of people who will come, to the amount of brunch needed. but all of our numbers came out right!
Mrs. Ice gave the devotion, she is a mother of 3 grown boys. it is always so encouraging to get advice from mothers who have been there. and loved it.
(at this point in my typing i feel like i am writing a shower review for a small town newspaper. so i will now list everyone in attendance, in alphabetical order. just kidding.)
but seriously, the shower was fun--you can tell by my pictures what my responsibilities were.
decorations! and the activity.
you knew i would make a banner.

color scheme was fall/oranges/baby boy blue

sticks from the back yard, glitter sprayed.

see that baby bump?

mrs. Ice encouraging Haley (& everyone!)

the activity--handmade burp clothes!


Anonymous said...

the decorations looked so good!!! i laughed at your "newspaper article" LOL. :)

summer said...

thank you so much for this, Anna! good reporting- I would totally buy your paper. (you are so funny!) the decor does look autumny perfect :) nice work!

Kathy said...

Great great decorations. You know how to use those jars. I am from a small town and used to reading those newspapers. I would like to know who poured the punch or coffee and was fun had by all?