05 May 2014

happy easter! (and the days overdue)

not the title you expected to read....
before i make the announcement of our sweet baby (spoiler: HE is born) i wanted to quick post what i meant to post before the baby was born, but i just didn't feel like it at the time.
but now, baby sleeping on my lap, i want to get things in order here on the blog.
bonus, once i get all these posted, birth story & pictures are up next on the docket!

40 weeks 4 days. what i posted on instagram: "so I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, his eye is on the sparrow & he watches over me. midwife & chiropractor today"

from our neighbor.

from my mom.

40 weeks 6 days. saturday morning.

easter 2014!

the siblings who were there.

our cousin hannah!

our first easter egg hunt. in the rain. in MY flip flops.

41 weeks 1 day. non stress test & starbucks treat for all.

aren't i lucky that a glass of ice water is his order?

41 weeks 2 days.

41 weeks 3 days. a perfectly cool & rainy day...and labor was starting.

shawn stayed home & made us a big breakfast.

.....to be continued


vcr said...

i can't handle the "to be continued." please continue quickly! :)

Beth said...

I just realized that your donut "plate" was your baby belly! haha! Convenient in that way!

summer said...

Um, YES. Yay! I love that you are going in order!! I love everything about this!!!

Sharalee Klein said...
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Sharalee Klein said...

I am so excited for the continuation! I so love your blog posts anyway, but now that your sweet baby is here, I can't wait to read more about him and his birth story! :)