for our little two year old's party, we chose an elmo theme.
i don't really know how, oh yes, it just came to me---
andrea saw a cupcake idea that set our party in the works.
plus, elmo is really the only show bentley watches.
and he is really cute.
we had a family party with shawns parents, dj, andrea, & jedidiah, my meema & poppa, & my mom, jeff & siblings.
we will be having another party at the lake in a few weeks with my dad & the burkes.
it was a fun sunday afternoon of eating, hanging out (inside), & playing.
bentley had a wonderful day.
at this age (or perhaps forever?), your grandparents & aunts/uncles are your best friends. they are exactly who bentley wanted to spend his day with.
the day before his birthday, a birthday card from grandmother came in the mail. WITH a gift card. bentley took a nap with his gift card. he was thrilled to get mail with his name on it! |
testing out the birthday cups |
birthday outfit |
good morning, birthday boy! the bike he has been waiting for! |
i love this picture! |
home made ice cream! |
first time using shawns fathers day present! |
showing uncle dj his new bike! |
new backpack to take on the plane (we will fly to austin in 3 weeks for jareds wedding) |
i love this photo. so much going on around us. but bentley still snuggles in. |
giving jed some kisses |
new scooter! grandpa tim & grandma karen actually got him the SAME one! |
lunch box + water bottle from meema & poppa. he loves it! |
the party inspiration. andrea made these--could they be any cuter?! |
we were worried bentley might be scared of them? he LOVED them. |
some new pinwheels. i LOVE them. |
auntie caroline has the magic touch. |
testing out the new wagon. |
fake cheese from bentley. i love how jed is looking at him. |
radio flyer theme?! |
jed sneaking in a blue chair picture! |
that picture of kami is so beautiful!
the cupcakes are so vibrant in that picture!
jed should sneak in to the blue chair with bentley every year.
good job, caroline!
i can't wait to see b in the airport with the backpack.
elsie is so pretty! she really is growing up before our eyes. ha!
what a perfect elmo party!!! bentley is just the sweetest little guy, LOVED seeing him more this summer:)
a conversation the other night after we told the boys it was his birthday:
lane, "bentley really loves me"
gage, "no, bentwee oves me"
lane, "no me"
gage, "no me" get the picture. sigh.
and it ended with lane saying, "but bentley came to MY birthday party and not your gage so he really loves me."
oh boy!
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