09 February 2012

good things about today.

::we went to Grace & got in a sneak afternoon workout. shawn has been there this week representing cfci at missions conference. so bentley helped him take down his both while i hit the treadmill. it felt great!

::we got jimmy johns for lunch. 

::we stopped at wal-mart to pick up ingredients for homemade pizza (supper tonight!)

::there were samples.

::we also picked up this little guy while we were there...fingers crossed.

::we came home to coins everywhere. i forgot i had let bentley entertain himself with our change jar while i made the bed. i'm talking coins in the bathroom...and every other room.

::we have valentines to make for a valentines party tomorrow.

::bentley is now crashed. i love when he falls asleep so hard after getting errands done...so time for me to get stuff done too!

i will be back tomorrow to show you our valentines!

(and yes, i am casually ignoring the fact that i haven't blogged in weeks. whoops! where did that time go?)


and happy thursday!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

i love that picture of bentley! ha!